Print Monitoring

The PRIMON print management system provides data about print devices, the entire print environment and users’ printing habits. It performs full monitoring in the operation of the information technology environment, assesses the installed devices, determines their condition, and continuously monitors print jobs initiated by users. It displays the logged data immediately on a Web interface with online access, where previous and current print environments can be tracked with precision. Every task is entered into the system, which can provide information on both network-linked devices and devices deployed on local ports. It logs all essential print-related information, saves it into a structured database, from where, using filters and sorting, necessary reports – even custom reports – can be retrieved. Access to itemized data is not restricted, with not only summary but detailed information also available retroactively for years.
Monitoring is performed by program modules personalized to user environment. When appropriately configured these modules are themselves capable of automatically updating to the latest version, thus reducing the workload of local information technology service providers. The modules have been designed to tie up the least amount of resources, with simple installation and ensuring they are protected against accidental or intentional shutdown. The system’s network need is extremely small, continuous logging of data can be maintained even with low bandwidth. Should the connection be lost, clients can continue to monitor their environment using a specific procedure, and once connection is re-established the missing items are entered into the central component.